Dirección creativa & diseño: Branding, UX/UI, Producto, Editorial, Packaging, Web Design.
Me gusta diseñar ideas, me gusta cumplir objetivos!
Concepto & diseño: Dos palabras que resumen años de experiencia con clientes llevando su idea del concepto al diseño, dándole vida a ese sueño y haciéndolo real.
Especializado en naming, branding, diseño de producto, diseño UI, diseño editorial, Ebooks, diseño web y packaging.
Amplia experiencia avalada por profesionales. Ver referencias
Colaboro con agencias, y trabajo junto a clientes, entendiendo la singularidad de cada negocio o proyecto y aportando valor. Me avalan excelentes referencias, llevando equipo de personas colaboradoras o coordinando codo a codo con los departamentos de marketing de las empresas, integrándome y formando parte de su equipo.
Colaboro con startups, pymes y autónomos en desarrollo de producto, creación o restyling de marcas dentro de la línea de su servicio, creando marcas y productos o servicios que se integren al mercado y exigencias actuales.
Colaboro con startups, pymes y autónomos en desarrollo de producto, creación o restyling de marcas dentro de la línea de su servicio, creando marcas y productos o servicios que se integren al mercado y exigencias actuales.
Trabajamos con todos los programas de diseño, Ilustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Figma, Acrobat Profesional, Mailchimp, Office, etc. Y colaboramos en forma remota con Slack, Hubspot, Visual studio, etc y lo que el cliente requiera, adaptádonos a sus necedidades.
En cada proyecto tengo una forma analítica de llevarlo a cabo, estudiando a la competencia y dentro de qué contexto hay que diseñar, con excelente relación calidad y tiempos de entrega.
Pasión por transmitir conocimiento, impartiendo mis conceptos y experiencia a estudiantes en prácticas de Italia y España dentro del estudio de 2006 a 2023.
Desde 1996 hasta 2024 en constante estudio y evolución. Abierto a nuevas propuestas de colaboración. Llevando proyectos propios y de terceros, formándome constantemente con cursos de especialización y experiencia en el mundo del diseño.
Pasión por transmitir conocimiento, impartiendo mis conceptos y experiencia a estudiantes en prácticas de Italia y España dentro del estudio de 2006 a 2023.
Desde 1996 hasta 2024 en constante estudio y evolución. Abierto a nuevas propuestas de colaboración. Llevando proyectos propios y de terceros, formándome constantemente con cursos de especialización y experiencia en el mundo del diseño.
La inteligencia artificial ya está aquí, y así es "artificial" nosotros aún no, por ahora.
En el mundo altamente competitivo de hoy, el branding es la esencia que distingue a una marca. En nuestro estudio de diseño, fusionamos estratégicamente la identidad visual con los valores y la narrativa de su marca. Desde la creación de logotipos distintivos hasta la selección de paletas de colores que resuenan con su audiencia, cada detalle contribuye a construir una presencia de marca fuerte y memorable.
Diseño UILa interfaz de usuario (UI) es la primera impresión que sus usuarios tendrán de su producto digital. Nuestro enfoque en el diseño UI se centra en la usabilidad, la accesibilidad y la estética. Creamos interfaces intuitivas que guían a los usuarios de manera natural, mejorando su experiencia y fomentando la interacción positiva. Cada elemento visual está diseñado con precisión para ofrecer una experiencia cohesiva y atractiva.
Diseño Web
En el corazón de la presencia en línea efectiva está un diseño web excepcional. Desde sitios web corporativos hasta plataformas de comercio electrónico, nuestro enfoque en el diseño web abarca la funcionalidad, la estética y la adaptabilidad. Desarrollamos sitios web que no solo atraen la atención visual, sino que también ofrecen una experiencia de usuario fluida en todas las plataformas, creando conexiones duraderas entre su marca y su audiencia en el mundo digital.
Diseño Editorial
El diseño editorial va más allá de la disposición de textos e imágenes; es la creación de experiencias de lectura cautivadoras y significativas. En nuestro estudio, nos sumergimos en la esencia de su contenido para dar vida a publicaciones que no solo informan, sino que también deleitan. Desde revistas hasta informes anuales, cada diseño editorial refleja la esencia de la narrativa, combinando estética y estructura para una comunicación efectiva.
El packaging es la primera conexión táctil que los consumidores tienen con su producto. En nuestro enfoque de diseño de packaging, buscamos la combinación perfecta entre funcionalidad y atractivo visual. Creamos envases que no solo protegen y presentan su producto de manera efectiva, sino que también cuentan una historia visual que resuena con su audiencia objetivo. Cada elección de color, forma y material está cuidadosamente considerada para destacar en los estantes y cautivar a los consumidores desde el primer vistazo.

Creative Direction & Design: Branding, UX/UI, Product, Editorial, Packaging, Web Design.
I love designing ideas, I love achieving goals!
Concept & Design: Two words summarizing years of experience with clients, taking their idea from concept to design, bringing that dream to life, and making it real.
Specialized in naming, branding, product design, UI design, editorial design, eBooks, web design, and packaging.
Extensive experience endorsed by professionals. See references.
I collaborate with agencies and work closely with clients, understanding the uniqueness of each business or project and adding value. I have excellent references, leading teams of collaborators or working hand-in-hand with company marketing departments, integrating and becoming part of their team.
Concept & Design: Two words summarizing years of experience with clients, taking their idea from concept to design, bringing that dream to life, and making it real.
Specialized in naming, branding, product design, UI design, editorial design, eBooks, web design, and packaging.
Extensive experience endorsed by professionals. See references.
I collaborate with agencies and work closely with clients, understanding the uniqueness of each business or project and adding value. I have excellent references, leading teams of collaborators or working hand-in-hand with company marketing departments, integrating and becoming part of their team.
I collaborate with startups, SMEs, and freelancers in product development, brand creation, or restyling within their service line, creating brands and products or services that integrate into the market and meet current demands.
We work with all design programs: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Figma, Acrobat Professional, Mailchimp, Office, etc.
We also collaborate remotely using Slack, Hubspot, Visual Studio, etc., adapting to the client's needs.
I take an analytical approach in every project, studying the competition and understanding the context we need to design, ensuring excellent quality and delivery times.
We work with all design programs: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Figma, Acrobat Professional, Mailchimp, Office, etc.
We also collaborate remotely using Slack, Hubspot, Visual Studio, etc., adapting to the client's needs.
I take an analytical approach in every project, studying the competition and understanding the context we need to design, ensuring excellent quality and delivery times.
Passion for sharing knowledge, and imparting my concepts and experience to students in internships from Italy and Spain at the studio from 2006 to 2023.
From 1996 to 2024 in constant study and evolution.
Open to new collaboration proposals. Managing my projects and those of others, continuously training with specialized courses, and gaining experience in the design world.
Artificial intelligence is already here, and while it may be "artificial," we are still not, for now.
Open to new collaboration proposals. Managing my projects and those of others, continuously training with specialized courses, and gaining experience in the design world.
Artificial intelligence is already here, and while it may be "artificial," we are still not, for now.
In today's highly competitive world, branding is the essence that distinguishes a brand. At our design studio, we strategically fuse visual identity with your brand's values and narrative. From creating distinctive logos to selecting color palettes that resonate with your audience, every detail contributes to building a strong and memorable brand presence.
In today's highly competitive world, branding is the essence that distinguishes a brand. At our design studio, we strategically fuse visual identity with your brand's values and narrative. From creating distinctive logos to selecting color palettes that resonate with your audience, every detail contributes to building a strong and memorable brand presence.
UI Design
The user interface (UI) is the first impression your users will have of your digital product. Our approach to UI design focuses on usability, accessibility, and aesthetics. We create intuitive interfaces that guide users naturally, enhancing their experience and fostering positive interaction. Every visual element is meticulously designed to deliver a cohesive and engaging experience.
The user interface (UI) is the first impression your users will have of your digital product. Our approach to UI design focuses on usability, accessibility, and aesthetics. We create intuitive interfaces that guide users naturally, enhancing their experience and fostering positive interaction. Every visual element is meticulously designed to deliver a cohesive and engaging experience.
Web Design
At the heart of an effective online presence is exceptional web design. From corporate websites to e-commerce platforms, our web design approach encompasses functionality, aesthetics, and adaptability. We develop websites that not only attract visual attention but also provide a seamless user experience across all platforms, creating lasting connections between your brand and your audience in the digital world.
At the heart of an effective online presence is exceptional web design. From corporate websites to e-commerce platforms, our web design approach encompasses functionality, aesthetics, and adaptability. We develop websites that not only attract visual attention but also provide a seamless user experience across all platforms, creating lasting connections between your brand and your audience in the digital world.
Editorial Design
Editorial design goes beyond arranging texts and images; it's about creating captivating and meaningful reading experiences. At our studio, we dive into the essence of your content to bring publications to life that not only inform but also delight. From magazines to annual reports, each editorial design reflects the essence of the narrative, combining aesthetics and structure for effective communication.
Editorial design goes beyond arranging texts and images; it's about creating captivating and meaningful reading experiences. At our studio, we dive into the essence of your content to bring publications to life that not only inform but also delight. From magazines to annual reports, each editorial design reflects the essence of the narrative, combining aesthetics and structure for effective communication.
Packaging is the first tactile connection consumers have with your product. In our packaging design approach, we seek the perfect blend of functionality and visual appeal. We create packaging that not only effectively protects and presents your product but also tells a visual story that resonates with your target audience. Every choice of color, shape, and material is carefully considered to stand out on the shelves and captivate consumers at first glance.
Packaging is the first tactile connection consumers have with your product. In our packaging design approach, we seek the perfect blend of functionality and visual appeal. We create packaging that not only effectively protects and presents your product but also tells a visual story that resonates with your target audience. Every choice of color, shape, and material is carefully considered to stand out on the shelves and captivate consumers at first glance.